Current Topic: Testimonial

Torn RC - Try Acupuncture Before Resorting to Surgery--- Betty  Millan, Okotoks, AB

My name is Betty Millan and I would like to tell you about my experience with Dr. Han.  Back in September 2011, I was in a lot of pain due to a torn rotator cuff which I injured back in April 2011 while shovelling wet heavy snow.  My family doctor sent me for an ultra-sound and then told me that I had a torn rotator cuff.  He referred me to an orthopedic surgeon for surgery to repair this tear.

By September I still had not heard anything from the surgeon and the shoulder was causing me constant pain and I was unable to lift my arm.  It was literally freezing up as I wasn’t using it properly due to the pain.  A friend told me about the College and how she had been going for acupuncture there for a few years with very good results.  I phoned and made an appointment, as at this point felt I had nothing to lose by trying it.  It was the best phone call I have made as I have been going regularly since. I started out at once a week, but when I asked how I would know when I was better one of the students told me that when it didn’t hurt any more then it was better.  I then  changed to twice a week and have been going regularly and I now am able to lift my arm over my head.  Although there is still a little pain, the improvement has been remarkable and the wonderful thing is I won’t need surgery.   I still haven’t received a call from the surgeon, so if I had not been told about this College I probably would still be in a lot of pain and probably wouldn’t have the full use of my right arm.

Thank you Dr. Han and all the students that have been helping me with this treatment. This is so much better than surgery and I would highly recommend acupuncture to anyone that is having problems that normally require surgery or extensive physiotherapy. This is in my opinion a far better option.


Prev: 2 years chest pain gone! -- Judy Mathews, Calgary, AB
Next: Our New Family Doctor--- Sophie W, Calgary, AB