Current Topic: East vs. West

Learning Acupuncture Takes More Than a Few Weekends

This link below is an article written by an MD who subsequently studied acupuncture for several years.  He is unusual in that he went on to get fully trained as an acupuncturist despite having already been an MD.  He describes well a problem of which not all patients are aware.

Physicians, physiotherapists and chiropractors that practice acupuncture have typically only taken weekend courses.  This level of knowledge of acupuncture is very different from that of a licenced acupuncturist that has trained for several years or more.  Unfortunately, in many provinces and states, the practice of acupuncture is unregulated and so it is 'Buyer Beware' for anyone seeking acupuncture treatment. 

If you receive acupuncture from someone who has little training and you get no results you may be led to believe that acupuncture does not work for your condition.  This is a very unfortunate situation.  Patients must enquire about a practitioner's credentials and look for a diploma from a reputable college in their clinic.

Prev: You'll never see this sign in a TCM clinic...