Current Topic: Acupuncture |
How does acupuncture work and what is moxibustion?Acupuncture changes how the body systems function by modifying how Qi flows through the network of meridians that run up and down the body. There are over 400 acupuncture points on the body, many of which have very specific effects. These points have the ability to improve your health, but most importantly, to prevent disease. Needles are inserted into these specific acupuncture points and various manipulation techniques are used for different conditions. Acupoints are like doors where energy can be added or released. Electricity is sometimes (but not always) attached to the needles to treat certain injuries and a special heat lamp called a TDP lamp is commonly used to improve blood circulation and to reduce inflammation. Moxibustion may also be used to heat an acupuncture point. Moxibustion is when a special leafy herb is rolled into a cone, ignited and left to smoulder over an acupuncture point. Several cones may be burnt over one acupuncture point in succession or over several different points may get moxibustion at the same time. Or a piece of a moxa stick may be attached to the top of the acupuncture needle, ignited and left to smoulder. This gently warms the needle and sends the heat directly into the acupuncture point. The key idea behind how acupuncture works is that where there is pain, there is often poor blood circulation. Acupuncture helps to get blood flowing so that the pain goes away so that the function of the affected body system improves.
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