Current Topic: Diagnosis & Treatment

Myth: Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) is only for chronic disease.

TCM can treat both acute and chronic disease.  For example, the acupuncture point Du26 is used to revive a person from unconsciousness; P6 is used to relieve acute heart pain.  Herbal medicine can also give results the same day or the next day.  The reason why most people think that herbal medicine is slow to get results is because they are thinking of Western herbal medicine which is not the same as Chinese herbal medicine.  Some of the plants may be the same, but the main difference is method of diagnosis and the dose and also that in TCM herbs are used in a formula rather than individually.  These differences yield substantially different results.

Tens of thousands of people die annually from viral influenza in the USA alone because Western medicine has no effective treatment for viruses.  This is tragic because TCM  can easily treat viral influenza.  In China, this number is much lower because of the use of TCM.

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